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Spaghetti Bolognese

Italian spaghetti with meat and bolognese sauce
Looking for a hot hearty meal for one of those rainy or winter nights?
Here is a suggestion.This is a quick method to make spaghetti bolognese.
Olive oil - 2tsp
Minced chicken sausages-5 nos
Onion-1 Large sized ,finely chopped
Garlic - 3 cloves
Green chillies-2
Tomatoes- 2 medium sized
Bay leaves-2
Thyme-1 tsp
Salt - to taste
Pepper powder -2 tsp
Preparation Method
1.Cook spaghetti in plenty of  boiling salted water.Till done al dente.
Drain and apply butter.
2.In a heavy-based saucepan add 2 tsp olive oil and saute  minced sausages ,bay leaves,chopped garlic, salt and thyme for 4- 5 minutes.(Instead, if you want to follow traditional method ,use minced meat or chopped bacon.)
Add finely chopped onion and green chillies.Cook until onion turns soft .Now puree 2 fresh tomatoes in a blender and add them .
Add pepper powder,cook for 3 -5 minutes.Finally add oregano.
Now pour this Bolognese sauce over the spaghetti.
Serve hot.

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