Sole fish fry

Quick and easy Recipe for sole fish fry.

Sole fish is a very tasty and easy to cook variety.
Cooking time is hardly 5-6 minutes.
(all according to your taste)
Sole fish-
Salt -
Paprika/Kashmiri chilly powder-2tsp
Rosemary (dried)-1tsp
Oil-1 tbsp(Just enough to shallow fry)
Lemon juice-1tbsp
Parsley for garnishing.
Method Of preparation
Clean the fish.
Mix the flour with salt and chilly powder in a bowl.
Now coat the fish with this flour.
Heat a non stick pan/grill and pour in 1 tbsp oil.
On a medium heat,add rosemary to the oil,shallow fry the fish coated with the flour.

Finally add the lemon juice and serve hot with chips.
Garnish with parsley chopped.


Priya Suresh said…
Yumm, can i get a fish fry rite now..

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