
Showing posts from 2015

The Lost Seeker:

Have anyone experienced a strange wonder after finishing a creative piece- poem/write up/artwork or even a new dish that came out perfectly well- that it doesn't belong to you, or has been done by someone else? I mean, you feel strange as if we got those ideas/ the creativity from a central source of knowledge. If there is such a central knowledge source, can we connect to it often? Just like we log in to the internet? Wouldn't it be great if we could? Sharing my thoughts on this: To connect to this knowledge source, we should stay much focused, like in meditation. I feel 'this knowledge source' is like an invisible wave of energy around us to which only a sincere seeker can connect. Or it will be like a pond in which we all maybe living like fishes, unaware of the ocean of knowledge in which we have been immersed -caring only about the perishable illusions such as money, beauty and suchlike! On thinking further: A focused mind can achieve this connecti

Parenting in a connected world.

                     Today, technology is growing exponentially. Smart phones are ruling the world and technology is expected to be embedded everywhere. Parenting is lot more fun today provided you are smart enough to control this new-wave rather than yielding to the spell of it.         Being mother to an 11 year old boy, I have experienced the good and bad sides of technology. Here is some useful information for those parents who are anxious about this new trend.        I know that some of those with traditional views may disagree with this new influence of technology in children. But we have left no choice other than finding the best method to take advantage from this.        1.      Awareness is the key!                First of all, we, parents must educate ourselves on how to monitor or supervise your children’s activities online. This is simple if you have genuine interest to learn and unde

Happy New Year 2015 !

Wishing all my friends a very happy and prosperous New Year 2015 ! Thank you for reading my blog .