The Lost Seeker:
Have anyone experienced a strange wonder after finishing a creative piece- poem/write up/artwork or even a new dish that came out perfectly well- that it doesn't belong to you, or has been done by someone else? I mean, you feel strange as if we got those ideas/ the creativity from a central source of knowledge.
If there is such a central knowledge source, can we connect to it often? Just like we log in to the internet? Wouldn't it be great if we could?
Sharing my thoughts on this:
If there is such a central knowledge source, can we connect to it often? Just like we log in to the internet? Wouldn't it be great if we could?
Sharing my thoughts on this:
To connect to this knowledge source, we should stay much focused, like in meditation.
I feel 'this
knowledge source' is like an invisible wave of energy around us to which only a sincere seeker
can connect. Or it will be like a pond in which we all maybe living like fishes, unaware of the ocean of knowledge in which we have been immersed -caring only
about the perishable illusions such as money, beauty and suchlike!
On thinking further:
A focused mind can achieve this connection with the knowledge source. This doesn't mean that only meditation can open the
window to this. Strong desire to achieve something, severe mental/physical pain, accidents/shock and sincere prayers also have the same
effect as a meditation on the mortals.
Isn't it amazing to think that all of us including those greatest of scholars are
getting the data/idea from the same knowledge source? I mean, in that case, nothing is created new, everything is shared with us by the central source.
May be that is why sometimes two people write the same idea/thought, unknowingly.

Factors that help us connect to this source (according to me) are:
May be that is why sometimes two people write the same idea/thought, unknowingly.
Factors that help us connect to this source (according to me) are:
- Real passion for something; where there is a will, there is a way.
- The strong, selfless affinity towards something; work/hobby/art can instill self-consciousness & open up the windows of knowledge.
When knowledge
transcendence happens, the seeker raises to a superior intellectual
level. Soul consciousness level is the final stage where the seeker and the supreme power come close; this is really difficult to achieve.
If a human tries to liberate from this materialistic, elusive world using any of the methods (meditation or focusing on one's passion or using prayers..) may have to penetrate
the layers around him; raising above all these energy levels to a height where the peaceful state of soul consciousness is prevalent; where there is complete silence and no words required for communication.
Let us take a break from our busy lives to think about ourselves & who we truly are!
Let us take a break from our busy lives to think about ourselves & who we truly are!