
Showing posts from December, 2013

Butterscotch Cherry Cake (EGG LESS)

23-12-2013,Dubai. " M err y C hrist ma s To A ll My Re ade rs!!! " This is the Christmas cake I baked for this Christmas...Hope you all enjoyed watching it.. :P An extremely buttery cake as it contains lot of butter along with brown sugar,both dried and fresh Cherries,nuts and so on. Now it's quite some time since I have baked something new.I find cooking interesting only to experiment new things.Otherwise,I must confess,day to day cooking is always boring for me,but I have to do it,since I try and stick to healthy diet. If you believe me,I never plan a recipe. When I feel to bake,I randomly  shop some ingredients;which ever  I find interesting in the store.Then using them,how to make a new variety?This will be my next thought. I rely on my intuition mostly.. A retrospective | 2013 The Year 2013 has reached it's end,soon it is going to be another chapter in our memories. But,I feel that these dates and time are nothing of much important.What really m

Thank you Google...

19-12-13 has created history in my life.The prestigious Google Inc  has issued my first payment !!! So,Google has approved me as their official Ad Publisher.Really feeling good to be a small part of this humongous organization , G o o g l e . Thanking God and  all my readers who visit this page.I promise to strive for improvement. Love you all, Deep Krishna.

Unniyappam recipe

Today I am going to share the secret of traditional Kerala Snack 'Unni Appam' or 'Karol Appam'. Unni appam resembles small pancakes. You can find the recipe  anywhere on Internet and many might have  succeeded in making these delicious and healthy dumplings. But this is my recipe;after desperately  trying to bring back the taste of Unni appam that my Grand Mother (we call her Ammamma) used to make for us,children.She didn't know how to show her love for us,but with the taste of her special snacks, her love was conveyed to us. I am sure it is impossible to recreate the same taste,since that special "kaipunyam" ended with her demise. (Kaipunyam is a Malayalam word which  means 'having gifted hands') So let's  try to bring back that taste... nostalgic to many of you ,today.. Ingredients Raw rice -2 cups Jaggery-200g Banana-1 no Plain Flour-2tbsp Ghee-1tbsp Black sesame seeds-2tsp Coconut pieces-2tbsp Method of prepara

Expo2020 Dubai

Dubai Won World Expo 2020 Congratulations,Dubai.