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Fruit Salad with Yogurt and flax meal dressing~Diabetic Friendly.

Wishing All My Readers A Very Happy and Colorful ' HOLI '!!

Today,8th March is the first Anniversary of this blog ~ Deepsrecipes. 
My heart felt acknowledgment of appreciation to each and every one of you,who takes time to read and try out my recipes.
Today,I assure you that deepsrecipes will try to ameliorate in future.
This is a sequel to my previous post-if you haven't read it yet,take a peek here.
As I said earlier,there are dual reasons to fete today.So,here is a dessert recipe (Diabetic friendly). I have tried to include multiple food groups into this tasty no-sugar sweet,so that you can enjoy the luscious taste of a dessert ,still adhering to your diabetic diet.
This contains flax seed,which is good source of Omega3 fatty acids .

1.Plain Low fat Yogurt-1/2 cup(If needed,make it thin by adding some water)
2.Honey or Maple syrup-to taste
Apple-2 no(Cut into small pieces)(Use mixed fruits instead of just apple)
(Fruits are natural sugars,but contains micro nutrients essential for you.So those with high blood sugar level, consume fruits in small portions)
3.Whole Flax seeds-1 tbsp(Grind it before adding to the salad.If you are using flax meal,its already powdered so add 2 tbsp)
4.Vanilla essence-1tsp
5.Unsweetened chocolate sauce-
6.Crushed Almonds-1tbsp
Method of Preparation
Beat the yogurt well with all the ingredients other than fruits.Pour the dressing over the apple or mixed fruits.
If you like chocolate,you can top the dessert with unsweetened chocolate sauce and almonds.
3-4 minutes after mixing this fruit salad,flax seeds gets soggy and dessert turns to creamy and divine,you all must try this to get the real taste!!



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