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Diabetes~Some Basic Information.

Diabetes is not a pleasant condition. But if you are one with a high blood sugar level, don’t get disheartened.
This is not the end of the world. If you give a little forethought before planning the diet,also change the cooking methods,then you can definitely control Diabetics.
Today,let us hash out  a thoughtful meal planning  for Diabetes-
Diet plans for diabetic patients.
1.       Reduce the intake of Protein, carbohydrate and Fat. These three food groups are not good for diabetic patients. This doesn’t mean that you ought to eat only boring food; instead follow a healthy and interesting diet plan. Deepsrecipes is trying to share some diabetic friendly recipes .I will continue sharing, if I am getting positive reviews.
2.       Limit the intake of milk and milk products.
3.       Include high fiber diet; like whole meal bread/flax seeds/Broccoli etc.
4.       What you can have in plenty is vegetables. So include raw salad vegetables as a snack even.
5.       Fruit intake should be limited and according to dietitians menu plan; since fruits are natural sources of sugar.
6.       Consume small meals throughout the day; avoid the normal 3 big meals in a day system.
7.       Diabetic cooking methods are very effective. This includes baking, steaming, poaching and stir frying.
8.       Use olive oil for stir frying and reduce the salt and fat contents.
9.       Use Avocado paste instead of mayonnaise.
10.   Eat fish (contains Omega 3 fatty acids) twice a week.
11.   Avoid Coffee; substitute with Green Tea.
112.   Drink plenty of water.

Keeping these points in mind let’s make a diabetes friendly dessert item to celebrate the Indian festival Holi and our blog’s first anniversary.
 Please read the next post about a diabetic friendly dessert for our blog Anniversary.
Till then,EAT HEALTHY...!!!


Amina Creations said…
very useful post...
Thank you Amina Khaleel...I was curious for the feedback.Really want to give more info about the subject.Thanks for the great support!

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