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Recap 2011

Welcome 2012..!!!!

This blog was started in  March 2011...
In that aspect the year 2011 will be special for me..

Thanks to all my blogger friends who visited my website and helped to expand my network.
Let’s together travel this beautiful culinary journey with Ad sense.
Thanks to Google, who provides me this opportunity.
And a special thanks to some of my close friends who stood for me and encouraged me in my new venture.
My readers can choose their favorite recipes posted in this blog during the  year 2011.
But if you ask me…Here are some of my favorite recipes of 2011.

So,lets say GOOD BYE to 2011...
Before winding up,lets remember the words of the greatest visionary who passed away in 2011, Steve Jobs

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most importantly, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” - Steve Jobs



Navya Chowta said…
Awesome Vedio :) I bet 2012 will make this one of the most popular food blogs.. Happy New Year :)
Christy Gerald said…
Wow! Yumm Cake indeed.Wishing you a Very Happy New Year 2012.
Thanks Christy...Wish u a very successful year ahead..
Thanks Navya kutti...its your luv for me made you say this..:-) Thanks..And wish you all happiness and success in what ever you do..Luv to our Tununu
Julie said…
Very happy new year,dear..wish you all success in the coming year!!
Regarding your question about the food colour,its 2 tbsp only not 2tsp as it has to get the deep rich color!
Amila said…
vedio is very nice....Glad to see some of your favourite posts though I have seen earlier..
Wish you a very Happy New Year!!Hope to see more from you...

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