Food Blog From The Emirates

Here is a video to get a quick idea about the type of recipes and other details on deepsrecipes-

Hope you all liked the video.
The year 2014 finally is here.One always wonder how fast the time flies ! But actually,if we dwell in these thoughts about time ,age etc, the end result will be misery. I think,the very thought that there is no such thing as time is so big a tension reliever to many,in this present situation.If we start a New Year or a day with such easiness,we can be more clear about our goals and destinations.

Here is a picture for you all of the WORLD'S TALLEST MAN MADE STRUCTURE(2,722 ft); a picture captured through my lens. 

Burj Khalifa

What does this huge structure tell you? We are such small creatures but the power inside us,is capable to create such monstrous structures!!!

When we start finding meaning in everything that happens to us,or every one/thing we see,we can introspect and understand our own mind.

Please watch the video and go through the many recipes that you can find in the Right hand side of this blog.

Will post a new recipe soon.

Keep reading ,keep supporting by leaving comments and also by my Liking FB Page .I have integrated my personal profile into this one FB page so that I can meet all my dear friends and relatives in one place.
Hope you all had a great start to this fresh new year...

Come and share your views&opinions here,with out hesitation.... and let us together try to live this small role we have got here, in this world.

Love ,



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