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Butterscotch Cherry Cake (EGG LESS)


" Merry Christmas To All My Readers!!! "

Butterscotch Cherry Cake

This is the Christmas cake I baked for this Christmas...Hope you all enjoyed watching it.. :P
An extremely buttery cake as it contains lot of butter along with brown sugar,both dried and fresh Cherries,nuts and so on.

Now it's quite some time since I have baked something new.I find cooking interesting only to experiment new things.Otherwise,I must confess,day to day cooking is always boring for me,but I have to do it,since I try and stick to healthy diet.

If you believe me,I never plan a recipe. When I feel to bake,I randomly  shop some ingredients;which ever  I find interesting in the store.Then using them,how to make a new variety?This will be my next thought.
I rely on my intuition mostly..
A retrospective | 2013

The Year 2013 has reached it's end,soon it is going to be another chapter in our memories.
But,I feel that these dates and time are nothing of much important.What really matters are the Moments--How much we lived here....
I have some moments in 2013 to treasure for my whole life.Some moments that made me grow up as a person,when I learned some positive lessons to move forward...When I was motivated to change my perception of life.
Yes,it takes only a moment  for some people to influence us for a life time.I hope I too have sprinkled some positivism, on my dearest readers.

This year,I did experience certain negative things too,but I have forgotten them all;or may be I do not want to think about it.But I remember one lesson I learned from one such experience,for sure.When I met with an accident in 2013 and miraculously escaped,I learned that life is really momentary,so I must enjoy it rather than living in the past.

Beautiful,isn't it? Let's all try to stick to this resolution in the coming years.

With out any further delay,let us check the recipe for Butterscotch Cherry Cake
We need
1. Dry cherries- 4 tbsp
2. Almonds-2 tbsp
3.Apple Juice-1/2cup
4.Milk-2 tbsp
5.Butter- 1/2 cup
6. Brown Sugar-1 cup
7. Vanilla Essence- 1 tsp
8. Flour- 2 cups
9. Baking powder- 1 1/2 tsp
How to Prepare Butterscotch Cherry Cake?
1. Soak Dry cherries Cashews and almonds in Apple juice for 10-12 hours.

2. Beat butter and brown sugar until soft and really fluffy.
Now mix the soaked dry fruits into this and add vanilla essence.

3. Fold in the flour (sieved after adding baking powder ).If needed,add in 2 tbsp milk to adjust the consistency. Batter should be thicker than dropping consistency.
4. Bake in Pre-heated oven at 180 degrees  for 40-45 minutes.
I was thinking to give white frosting on the cake as it is Christmas. But the cake tasted very sweet and special with a butterscotch effect.So I avoided any kind of extra decor on it.

Please try this at home and comment here on how you like it.
Once again, Compliments of the Season ! .

Deep Krishna.


Cake looks fabulous . Merry Christmas to you...
Fantastic looking cake! Wishing you Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year :)
Unknown said…
Your cherry cake looks delicious! Wishing you a Happy New Year! And a wonderful 2014 ahead!

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